Friday, March 18, 2011



1.Jenny kissed me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in.
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me;
Say I'm growing old, but add Jenny kissed me.
~Leigh Hunt, Jenny Kissed Me

 2.Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made
For kissing, lady, not for such contempt.
~William Shakespeare

3.A man had given all other bliss,
And all his worldly worth for this,
To waste his whole heart in one kiss
Upon her perfect lips.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson

This is true, the kiss
Wherewith we kissed in meeting that spring day,
I scarce dare talk of the remember’d bliss,   
When both our mouths went wandering in one way,
And aching sorely, met among the leaves;
Our hands being left behind strained far away.
William Morris

5.Take, O Take Those Lips Away
Take, O take, those lips away,
That so sweetly were forsworn;
And those eyes, the break of day,
Lights that do mislead the morn;
But my kisses bring again
Bring again;
Seals of love but sealed in vain,
-Sealed in vain!

from Measure for Measure
William Shakespeare

To A Kiss
Humid seal of soft affections,
Tend'rest pledge of future bliss,
Dearest tie of young connections,
Love's first snow-drop, virgin kiss.
Speaking silence, dumb confession,
Passion's birth, and infants' play,
Dove-like fondness, chaste concession,
Glowing dawn of brighter day.
Sorrowing joy, adieu's last action,
Ling'ring lips, -- no more to join!
What words can ever speak affection
Thrilling and sincere as thine!
Robert Burns

The Kiss
Soon, yes soon, we'll have our chance,
To embrace each other in love's dance.
A dance which I'll take her hand and show,
The love she's yet to know.
And yes, we'll know it with that kiss,
The first look of tender bliss.
The hug and warm embrace will say it all,
The fear and doubts we've had will fall,
Fall from the precipice into the abyss,
With that first sweet tender kiss.
P. Bere

8.For though I know he loves me
Tonight my heart is sad
His kiss was not so wonderful
As all the dreams I had.

Sara  Teasdale


Out of a world of laughter
Suddenly I am sad. . .
Day and night it haunts me,
The kiss I never had.
From Midsummer by Sydney King Russell

Alas, how easily things go wrong!
A sigh too much, or a kiss too long,
And there follows a mist and a weeping rain,
And life is never the same again.
From Sweet Peril by George MacDonald

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